How & Where

What do I need for the class / session?

  • yoga mat

  • 2 yoga blocks (only for yoga)

  • blanket and eventually a pillow 

  • comfortable stretchy clothes

How are the classes / sessions handled?

  • Try to make a reservation of your class / session at least 24h upfront

  • If there're any medical conditions ask your doctor for advice

  • Let me know about any physical issues before your 1st class / session

  • Plan to stay for the full duration of the class / session

  • Check in 10 min before your online / offline class / session

  • Switch off your phone

  • If you can't make it to the class / session, please inform me at least 24h before the class / session (cancellation via mail). Check YogiBox39's Cancellation Policy

How are the online classes / sessions handled?

  • Online classes are usually held via Zoom (if it's not an option for you, we'll find a solution, just let me know). You can join via your phone, tablet or computer

  • You get the link, meeting ID and password in your e-mailbox at least 30 min before the class after the reservation

  • Download and try the app out (Zoom or other) before your 1st class

  • Choose a quiet place where nobody will disturb you during the online class

  • Check in 10 min before the class

  • Be sure you're are fully in a picture and you can see and hear me clearly 

  • Plus all the stuff above:) 

Where do the classes, sessions & workshops take place?

Sessions and workshops may be held at various locations. Please check the exact listing of location when booking a session.

More information on location can be found here.

How can I pay?

You can pay:

  • cash or Payconiq on the spot

  • by bank transfer (you get info by e-mail)

When paying online, enter your name and subscription of what you are paying for.

What about COVID-regulations?

  • A CO2 meter is provided

  • Blocks and mats are disinfected after each class

  • Try to keep 1,5 m between you and your yoga buddy

  • Use your own yoga mat and blocks if possible

  • Disinfect your hands before and after the class

  • Pay via Bancontact, Payconiq or via bank transfer

  • Stay at home if you're not feeling well and keep safe!